IČ: 411 97 615,
VAT: CZ 41197615
The supplier is registered in the company register of municipal authority in district of Prague, sec.
Dělnická 213/12,
170 00
Prague 7
(administrative building Rosmarin Business Center, 3rd floor, section C )
Tel. bussiness dept.: (+420) 266 710 906
e-mail: mtx@mtx.cz
Dělnická 213/12,
170 00
Prague 7
( administrative building Rosmarin Business Center, 3rd floor, section D), door N. 335
tel.: (+420) 266 710 052, GSM (+420) 606 604 113, fax (+420) 220 800 734
e-mail: dalnice@mtx.cz
IČ 18038107, Strážnická 3657
276 01
Tel.: (+420) 315 671 820,
fax (+420) 315 622 023
Non-stop towing: (+420) 602 444 176